Customer service can be the difference between a short-term and a lifetime client. Studies show it takes an average of 12 positive consumer experiences to make up for just one negative experience. 

So how can you ensure your RIA is reaching its full potential by providing the types of experiences that will leave your clients with positive feelings toward you? The answer is in your tech integrations.

Nurturing a relationship between your team and your clients begins with stellar customer service enabled by your technology. From auto-filling forms to advanced tech integrations, every point of contact can have a major impact. 

But to ensure a consistently positive client experience, you have to turn your tech stack into a cohesive and efficient system with an integrative approach.

Here’s how. 

How Can Integrations Improve Your RIA’s Customer Service?

Tech integrations are all about simplifying processes. With the right systems in place, you can create a pleasant and efficient onboarding experience for your clients.

1. Improve Your Onboarding

With custodial integrations, you won’t be wasting time hunting down paperwork or grinding through those back-office tasks. All those necessary (but time-consuming) administrative tasks are simplified.

For example, a system integration with DocuSign, an electronic signature software service, allows advisors to initiate, monitor, and complete client onboarding signatures through an entirely digital process. 

Your integration platform should be able to connect you with all the major players out of the box, like Envestnet and the Quik! App, delivering a streamlined experience for each and every one of your clients.

You’ll also have the option to free up more time with automated due diligence processes – like Electronic Verification Systems, which automatically runs your new client names against the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s list of financial criminals and other anti-money laundering watchlists. 

You want to speed up the onboarding process without missing any of those key pieces while improving your customer service through integration. An integrated tech platform can do just that.

2. Give Your Advisors the Whole Client Picture

With the power of integrations on your side, you’re able to equip your advisors with the best client experience. This means quick and comprehensive views of client progress as they move toward their goals. 

With bi-directional integration platforms like Skience’s partnership with Envestnet’s MoneyGuide, advisors can expedite the planning process and create automatically generated plans. MoneyGuide’s Health Meter tool then provides a dashboard with up-to-date information on client progress. 

When advisors have access to a complete client picture, they’re able to deliver better services that are tailored to unique client needs. 

3. Free Up More Time For Building Relationships

Tech integrations can clear extra space in your advisors’ schedules that they need to build client relationships and connect with new prospects. 

Clean deliverables and quick turnarounds can show clients their advisor is taking a proactive approach to financial planning. 

Unified views for clients, available through SkienceONE, give advisors better opportunities to deliver holistic advice because they can see all the client data at once. When your firm reduces manual work, your team is able to get more done. 

Score with Skience

Are you ready to take your clients’ customer experience to the next level? 

Schedule a demo of the SkienceONE  platform to see how your advisors can nurture better relationships and gain greater wallet share.