Calculate Your Savings

How much can you save by switching to Skience?
Answer a few short questions below and find out!

Calculate Your Savings
Calculate New Account Opening Cost Savings

Enter current cost/hour and time for various roles below manually or by using the dropdown menu.

Monthly Account OpeningsInput from list the average number of account openings per month in 250 number increments

Input Number of AdvisorsInput average number of advisors

Input Number of YearsInput number of years for contract term



Advisor Average Rate per HourInput average advisor rate per hour for the Company


Advisor minutes per appEnter in 10 minute increments the number of minutes for Advisor to process each application under current process



Admin Average Rate per HourInput average administrator rate per hour for this Company


Admin minutes per appEnter in 10 minute increments the number of minutes for Administrator to process each application under current process

Back Office Ops


Back Office Op Avg Rate per HourInput average back office ops rate per hour for this Company


Back Office minutes per appEnter in 10 minute increments the number of minutes for Back Office to process each application under current process



Supervisor Avg Rate per HourInput average supervisor rate per hour for this Company


Supervisor minutes per appEnter in 10 minute increments the number of minutes for Supervisor to process each application under current process

Mail/ Overnight


Cost for Mail/Overnight per AppInput average cost for Mail/Overnight per application for this Company


Input NIGO percentageInput the Company’s NIGO percentage if known

Cost Drivers

Enter Additional data to help us determine your return on investment.


Input Annual Cost SavingsInput annual cost saving from sunsetting any solutions, if applicable


Input Annual Resource ReductionInput estimated annual resource reduction or repurposing of headcount


Input Support Cost ReductionInput annual account maintenance support costs reduction due to automation, if applicable


Input Annual GoodwillInput annual goodwill amount assumed, if applicable - such as value of technology upgrade to attract new firms


Input additional annual savingsInput any additional annual savings firm gains by using Skience that is not account for in any of the above line items

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