Change is an unavoidable part of running a business. At some point, you’ll need to switch some things up for progress’s sake – and it’s crucial to understand how that can affect each layer of your processes. Most commonly, organizations need change management when they’re implementing new technologies. 

And while shiny new tech seems exciting, it’s also important to avoid a quick-and-easy approach that could leave room for errors. 

In today’s blog, we’re giving you a complete review of how to manage one of the largest events your firm is likely to encounter multiple times in your lifecycle as you adopt and upgrade tech over the years – let’s dive in. 

Steps for Successful Technology Implementation

Successful change management begins with your firm’s leadership. Leaders must set a vision for implementing new tech, properly explain processes and motivate employees, and effectively communicate their goals. 

But leadership alone can’t guarantee success for your new tech implementation. The path to victory actually begins much earlier, when you’re making the decision to add on to your tech stack. 

New tech can advance your firm’s capabilities and drive better client experiences, but it can also be costly, time-consuming and risky. Before you jump into a new application, it’s important to consider why you’re on the hunt for a new solution. 

These three steps can help ensure your organization starts your next change management project on the right foot (and keep your team on track throughout the journey):

  1. Define the goals and objectives of the technology implementation

Consider your end goal from a macro level: Do you have a desire to innovate your client or advisor experience? Are you looking to enhance existing capabilities? Perhaps you wish to identify areas of weakness in your organization that tech could fix. 

For example, in Skience’s Blueprint process, experienced consultants interview your organization’s leaders to ensure alignment with your firm’s objectives and vision. They’ll also review current systems to identify any inefficiencies in your data, tech, infrastructure, and/or workflows. At the end, you get a “Blueprint” to guide your way toward effective change.

Once you have pinpointed the goals you wish to address, you’re more prepared to select the right technology and begin a successful implementation.

  1. Select the right technology

Next, you’ll need to explore the tech solutions available on the market – are there any that fit your needs? Reach out to potential providers to get a hands-on demo experience and ask any questions you may have about the software and their implementation timeline. 

If you find that the software available isn’t quite matching up with your organization’s needs, it may be time to consider working with a provider who can help you design a fully customized solution from the ground up.

  1. Develop a detailed implementation plan

Your change management plan can’t just live in your head – you need a detailed, written plan for your team leaders to reference as necessary. With Blueprint, the Skience team of experts will deliver a custom roadmap for your organization, complete with resources, schedule, and agile sprints.

Creating an Environment for Change

To get your entire team on board with the new tech you’ve chosen, we recommend a five-step approach to drive behavior change:

  • Awareness

Let your team know why the upcoming change is necessary.

  • Desire

Make the change relevant to each person’s position – how will this positively affect their work?

  • Knowledge

Give your team members the “how” behind the “why” with proper training and resources. 

  • Ability 

Identify any skill gaps in your workforce and work to fill them internally or with external help.

  • Reinforcement

Reinforce new methods with open communication and opportunities for feedback.

The ADKAR method takes a top-to-bottom approach and helps you anticipate needs before they become a problem – all while working to keep your team motivated. 

Common Challenges in Technology Implementation (and How to Overcome Them)

Even if you do everything right, chances are you’ll run into a few challenges along the way – that’s just the name of the game. 

Some of the most common obstacles you can expect include resistance to change within your organization and a lack of buy-in from team members. When your team is happy with current processes and doesn’t understand the need for change, they may feel like they’re jumping through hoops for no reason. If that occurs, take time to explain why you’ve decided to revise your tech steck and highlight the benefits they can expect once all is said and done. 

You may also experience implementation delays and technical difficulties along the way. Remember that implementation delays are often caused by poor planning – the more time you spend defining your game plan, the less likely you are to hit those roadblocks. 

Still, all the planning in the world can’t provide 100% protection against technical difficulties. In those cases, try to avoid playing the “blame game.” Keep a positive attitude and pinpoint the source of the errors – then create a plan to get back on track. 

Embrace Your Digital Transformation with Blueprint

Implementing new technology begins with having a well-articulated plan of action. With Blueprint, your team can rest easy knowing that each step of the process is shaped around your goals and ready for success. 

Contact a Skientist today to learn more about the Skience Blueprint and begin your journey to better tech.