Many solution providers typically have limitations on the data they make available and do not provide a turnkey way for firm users to access their data easily.
Cloud-Based Single Source of Truth
Data and analytics are key drivers of digital transformation efforts in wealth management firms. These firms increasingly need to leverage their data to generate insights and help manage their business. Modern firms need a solution that delivers a 360-degree view of a client, ensures regulatory compliance, and integrates with other fintech and downstream systems. Skience’s enhanced data solution creates a single source of truth for wealth management firms to propel digital transformation efforts and drive growth.
360-Degree View and Single Access Point
The Skience data aggregation solution equips your advisors with a 360-degree view of their clients, regardless of where the assets are custodied.
Unified Experience
Wealth management firms need consolidated client data integration within your CRM. The Skience data aggregation solution links to CRM records and seeds the contact and account records.
Contact us to learn more!
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